- From 8 years old
- For 2 to 4 players
- about 20 minutes
- discard, confrontation, strategy
I don’t know how many times the Clan has fallen, but again this morning, I’m wearing my sashimono and ready to fight. In spite of the mist and the morning rain, I distinguish our opponents. In this period of perpetual war, however, I do not know who he is. My father fought for my Clan, his father before him, and his father’s father as well. Before every battle, I worship their names to give me strength, courage and victory. I will follow the example of my ancestors, I will respect my Lord and at the end of my life, I too will become a Kami. Junsuke Yori
In Kami, you will have to win a succession of battles to win the victory.
With an ally, alone against two opponents, or face to face with an army of mercenaries that will influence the outcome of the fight, you will have to use all your troops to come out victorious.
From the simple Soldier to the intervention of the Dragons, all will have a role to play.
You win a battle by knowing the enemy’s rhythm, and using a rhythm he didn’t expect. Miyamoto Musashi
Kami’s principle is simple. Eight cards in hand, only the last one, if asked, will give you points.
Your opponents will not be fooled and will try to counter your offensives in order to regain the initiative
with the objective of succeeding in laying their last card to win the battle.
The final victory will be determined after several rounds.
Little is learned by victory, but much is learned by defeat.
Kami is freely inspired by the Goïta shogi, card game derived from the shogi, literally “General games”,
which is a traditional Japanese board game approaching chess.
Kami is an Art&Bear co-edition – Oka Luda, beautifully illustrated by Pauline Berdal.